In principle, YES! We always accept patients. The only problem is that we cannot always schedule every appointment for the necessary time. The biggest problem in this respect is the preventive examinations (U2–U11, J1, and J2). In particular, U2, U3, and U4 must be done in fairly tight time windows. Because we are often booked solid for preventive examinations, we might not be able to offer a suitable appointment. Just call and ask!
If your first child is already being looked after in our practice, we always accept new siblings!
When it comes to the expectorants (ambroxol and the like) – no I don’t prescribe cough syrups. The efficacy of these preparations is very controversial; the best results are obtained from studies published/financed by the manufacturers. Good studies that examine real effects on the improvement of healing usually show a “tie” between verum and placebo. Many preparations also contain alcohol and the like. I did not give my children cough syrup and also do not recommend it for yours. Instead, it is really very important to drink a lot!
Almost every paediatrician will answer this question with a resounding “no”. Most of the infectious diseases that your children contract are caused by viruses. However, antibiotics are only effective against bacteria. In most cases, they make little sense. You are probably well aware of the side effects and increasing resistance formation in bacteria. Most paediatricians have a reputation of being reluctant to use antibiotics.
You might even be disappointed if I tell you that your child “only” has a viral infection that will resolve itself.
However, if your child does have a nasty bacterial infection, a correctly selected anti-biotic can work wonders if administered as directed.
No. Those who expect such treatment are certainly better off in a private clinic. We believe that the income of the parents should not play a role in the medical care of their children.
Although I have had the additional designation in classical homoeopathy since 2005, I no longer work homoeopathically. In 2006, when I began my practice, I had the ambitious plan to offer both very good allopathy and very good homoeopathy. However, I failed miserably. However, in order to practice homoeopathy seriously, I would need much more time than is available to me in daily practice. Simply taking a vial of beads from the shelf and saying “this works wonders for colds” has as little to do with classical homoeopathy as giving arnica ointment for every boil, belladonna for every fever, and Sambucus nigra for each cold. By the way: Complexes such as meditonsin, otovowen, and viburcol contain several different homoeopathic agents and do not have anything to do with classical homoeopathy.
If, however, there is truly a need for a classical homoeopathic treatment, I would be happy to refer you to a highly-qualified colleague.
Contrary to what our parents (in law) learned, fever is nothing bad. Fever is an “operating temperature” that helps the body fight infection. Pathogens generally do not fare well at higher temperatures, and the immune system works better when it’s warmer. It is therefore not necessary to lower fever. As long as your child is well, the positive aspects of the fever should be used.
There is no number on the thermometer that necessitates action. Even if there is a 4 in the front, it does not mean that there is a danger. (My grandmother always said that at 42°C, you will die because the brain melts – but that is most certainly not true) It is important to look at the child: those who suffer and becomes increasingly sluggish will, of course, be given something to lower the fever.
Of course – but only for the U2 preventative examination. If you give birth in a hospital and remain there for several days, the U2 examination is automatically done by the doctor on duty. However, if you decide to give birth at home or in an outpatient clinic, you must organise a paediatrician for the U2 (3rd to 10th day of life). If you live within Bonn and report promptly to our practice, our assistant can help you arrange a house call. Please have the midwife take a blood sample for metabolic screening (36th to 72nd hour of life).
The answer to this question is well beyond the scope of this website. The decision to vaccinate can depend on many factors (e.g. personal experience, number of siblings, time of your, day-care, and travel plants).
In principle, I find vaccinations good and recommend nearly all vaccinations recommended by the STIKO – with varying degrees of enthusiasm. And, no, I do not recommend vaccinations because I am paid by the pharmaceutical industry and/or receive financial compensation. After working as a paediatrician for many years, I have seen many diseases – some very severe – that could have been prevented by vaccination. For this reason, most vaccinations are recommended.
To be honest, I do not know enough about osteopathy to give a well-founded opinion.
I am sceptical because there is no scientifically accepted evidence of efficacy.
I am also disturbed by the trend towards pathologisation: Nowadays, almost all infants seem to be traumatized by birth and have a blockade that needs urgent treatment. But what can be more natural than being born? It’s a wonder that children were previously able to manage without osteopaths.
If you want a certificate from me so that your health insurance company will cover the cost of osteopathic treatment, please contact me before scheduling an appointment with the osteopath. Despite my scepticism towards osteopathy, you will usually get the desired letter.
But please consider whether your child is really sick and needs treatment. Healthy babies do not need treatment – and in my opinion, most babies are healthy!
A table from the health authority of Bonn lists the illness that require a Tabelle Wiederzulassung. For most diseases: if you child does not show symptoms (e.g. fever or rash) after 24 hour, he/she can return to school/day-care without a medical certificate. There are, however, exceptions (e.g. gastrointestinal flu caused by Noro viruses) in which your child must be free of symptoms for 48 hours. Certificates are rarely required (e.g. for scabies or special diseases such as typhus).
The Ministry of Education and Training also does not require a doctor’s certificate in the case of absence. Only in the case of “justified doubts” can a doctor’s certificate be requested. This also applies for absence of over three days and exams/assignments missed because of illness (exception: final exams such as A-levels)
There are certainly many other regulations to which the schools would like to adhere…
Especially in the case of schools of other institutions, there may be additional and different requirements. However, the Ecclesiastical school law of the Archdiocese of Cologne provides for the same rules.
For further reading:
Surgery hours
Monday: | 8.30 – 12.00 | 14.00 – 17.00 |
Tuesday: | 8.30 – 12.00 | 14.00 – 17.00 |
Wednesday: | 8.30 – 12.00 | |
Thursday: | 8.30 – 12.00 | 14.00 – 17.00 |
Friday: | 8.30 – 12.00 |
Prinz-Albert-Str. 10
53113 Bonn
Telefon: (0228) 22 32 35
Telefax: (0228) 912 56 40
How to reach us
Emergency Service
Outside our office hours, you will get help for your sick child in the:
Kinder- und Jugendärztlichen Notfallpraxis
on the ground of the St.-Marien-Hospital
53115 Bonn
Phone 0228/24 25 444
Surgery hours
Mon, Tue, Thu von 19:00 – 22:00
Wed, Fri 14:00 – 22:00Uhr
Sat, Sun, Holiday 8:30 – 22:00 Uhr
At night, you can contact the outpatient clinics of the paediatric clinics:
- St.-Marien-Hospital Bonn:
Phone 0228/505-2910 - Universitäts-Kinderklinik Bonn:
Phone 0228/2873-3333 - Asklepios-Kinderklinik St. Augustin:
Phone 02241/249-0